Primary Certificate in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Counselling 16-17 th June 2022

Primary Certificate in Rational Emotive BehaviourBPS LC Approved Logo

Therapy and Counselling 16-17th June, 2022

This course run in association with the Centre for Stress Management, is a British Psychological Society (BPS) Learning Centre and Association for Rational Emotive Therapy (AREBT) approved 2-day course covers the basic theory and practice of the rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and counselling which was developed by Dr Albert Ellis PhD. It includes the following: basic concepts; healthy and unhealthy negative emotions; psychological interactionism; agenda setting, three major MUSTS and the derivatives; the ABC model; treatment sequence; assessing A and inference chaining; teaching the B-C connection; disputing irrational beliefs; self-acceptance; importance of homework assignments; multimodal emphasis; shame attacking exercises; low frustration tolerance exercises. A manual, articles and handouts are provided.

The trainer is Prof Stephen Palmer PhD. For more information, visit our course page.